Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday - Day 11 - Noon

Well, another day, and not much more to report.  Sandra and I have been visiting with Jack this morning, and he is about the same as last night (which is BETTER than earlier yesterday).  His color looks good, blood pressure is good, he can move his fingers and toes, and the nurse says his blood chemistry (i.e. acidity, etc.) is good. 

Remember that he is still on a LOT of "support", mostly IV's etc.  The ventilator has been turned down a bit more overnight (50% now), which means his lungs are working better, and he's not as dependent on the machine as he was a couple of days ago. 

Sandra is still waiting for the kidney specialist this morning - that seems to be the big hill yet to climb -  the kidneys need to be working harder in order to help rid his body of excess fluids.  The dialysis over the past day has filtered his blood, but when they try to increase the "rate", his blood pressure begins to fall; so sort of a Catch-22,  which the doctors and nurses have to find a way around. 

Medically, he is still in very serious condition, but when Sandra can communicate with him, she feels encouraged, and so do I.  Keep praying, and we'll give you another update later today.


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