Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday - Day 13

It's been a good day today! 

First, the good news - the ventilator has been reduced to 40%, and the sedatives Jack has been given are much lower than previously.  He is much more alert today, and you can tell by looking at him that he's feeling better.  

The only bad news is his kidneys.  Sandra and I spoke with the kidney specialist this morning, and she says his kidneys are still not functioning as they must.  He's still on dialysis, but it's working, and the fluid in his body is being reduced.  The kidney doc is still very concerned about Jack, but she is not surprised with the period of time it's taking for the kidneys to get "kick-started" following surgery.

Sandra met with Dr. Snyder, Jack's heart surgeon, this afternoon, and he continues to be pleased with Jack's progress.  He wants to get rid of the ventilator sometime in the next day or so, and hopefully, along with that, the kidneys will make a move.  

Jack's brothers, Joe and Larry, have left Atlanta and are headed back to Virginia.  His sister, Peggy, is staying here this week, to help Sandra and Darcus take care of him.  

We look forward to a good week, and hope that Jack continues to make good progress toward his recovery.

Please keep Jack and the family in your thoughts and prayers.


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